Bowling - 1st Sunday at venue posted in newsletter with lunch afterwards at a restaurant. We are more laughers than serious bowlers (but some are good).
Let's Eat Out- 1st Wednesday at 6:00pm at various locations, separate checks, order off the menu.
Let's Eat Out- 2nd Friday at 6:00pm at various locations, separate checks, order off the menu.
Sunday Brunch - 3rd Sunday at Noon at various locations and costs.
Lively Discussion - Let's get together and talk - 4th Sunday at 3:00pm with various topics, locations, refreshments and costs; lots of laughs -- even some serious discussion; a great way to meet people.
Book Club - 2nd Tuesday at 1:00pm at a local library meeting room..
Line Dancing - 3rd Thursday of the month before the Social Gathering, 5:30/6:30pm.
Social Gathering - 3rd Thursday, doors open at 6:30/7:00pm Meeting - VFW, 446 W.Lake, Addison
Luncheon - 4th Wednesday at 12:00pm at various locations, separate checks, order off the menu.
Newsletter for members mailed/emailed beginning of the month
Two dinner dances during the year (usually June and December)
Annual picnic held during the summer.
Group golfing (if group interest shown)
Group monthly movie and/or dinner (if group interest shown)
Other Special Events:
Bus Trips - Casino, Theatre outings (sometimes Dinner/Theatre) - various locations.
Baseball games possible group travel